Day 068 – Boca Raton, FL > Miami, FL

It was great spending time with my cousin Brendan and get to know him a little better. He is working on finishing up the end of college before figuring out what to do next. He told me that women offer their number to him, uninvited, at least once a week while he works at the restaurant. He seems pretty set on his current girlfriend so it doesn’t sound like the ladies are going to get much traction.

The ride to Miami was uneventful. I rode through a part of town that has amazing graffiti. I took a picture of one piece that really caught my eye of a naked woman sitting on the floor while patting a red monkey on the head. It’s captain read, “Anything can be beautiful when you look at it with love.” Sounds like a good sentiment to me.

I rode a lot of the way through Miami on the M-Path, which is a bicycle path underneath the Metrorail system that goes through the city. It’s not a very nice path to look at, but it kept me off the street and was easy to follow to Coconut Grove where my friend Dawn lives. I got there a little before 8 and hit the shower before we went out to eat.



