Day 147 Kountze, TX

I made it into Texas yesterday and I’m glad to be out of Louisiana for the moment. I liked being in New Orleans and Baton Rouge and the people I met in other small places along the way, but the roads were mostly crap and the oil stuff bummed me out.

I left my glasses on my trailer last Tuesday and they fell off and most surely broke, but I didn’t realize this until I was another 50 miles down the road. Grrrrrr. The glass clinking sound was my glasses falling not the glass clicking sound I heard all day while traveling amongst all kinds of crap on the side of the road.

Today I was able to get contacts and it is so much easier to read road signs and see road hazards now. Now I only have one pair of sunglasses left to keep track of, but can I do it?

I met Leo Flood at Walmart and he walked right up to me and started chatting me up and said I should stop by his house in Kountze once I was done getting my vision problem sorted out. Walmart didn’t have a doctor, but I was able to get in at Texas State Optical! Thank you Dr. Keeney for getting me back in focus. In between I had a fine Mexican lunch courtesy of Philis and her two daughters Michaela and Magan. It was a fast conversation, but I really enjoyed talking to all of them. Both Michaela and Magan are on the drill team at their high school. Of course being the bicycle advocate I am I tried to get them all to promise me to get on a bicycle sometime in the near future

Philis said she used to be a rider, but it’s been a while and she’s not sure she can do it.  Yes you can I say!

Michaela and I came to an agreement. If I go to her drill practice and join in, she will ride her bicycle to school. I was very, very tempted to stick around and do it, but felt I needed to keep moving. She told me she is in the 11th grade so I still have an entire year to get back to Silsbee to make it happen.

I’m writing this as I’m comfortably set-up in Leo’s camper after a really enjoyable time conversing. More details to come.

Tomorrow I get to meet the horses before I get back on the road.

What a great introduction to Texas!






One response to “Day 147 Kountze, TX”

  1. Carol Frontera Avatar
    Carol Frontera

    Keeping up with your journey! Glad you made it to Texas. When are you heading back to the East Coast?