

In December 2012 my entire world imploded through an incredibly common occurrence – divorce. After the initial paralysis, anger, sadness, more anger, self pity, and even more anger subsided I got to thinking about what I should do next. Maybe I could – be a truck driver in Iraq OR move to a cabin in remote Alaska OR work on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico…danger and anonymity seem to be important to me. Death wish? Maybe.

Then in June of 2013 I was struck by the obvious – I’m tired of NYC; my ex has our dogs; I love riding a bicycle, meeting people and seeing new things; I work freelance and was getting some money from the divorce. It all added up to a solo cross country bicycle trip from Brooklyn via Key West to Los Angeles.

During the trip I would get a chance to see the south, meet fellow Americans of a different sort, look for a new place to live and learn how to keep up a blog through writing and video documentation.

Some may say I still have a death wish owing to my means of transport, but I spent a lot of time thinking on how to do it smart. Since May 11, 2013 when I left from my sublet in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn to today I’ve been having an amazing experience meeting people and seeing the country.



19 responses to “About”

  1. Carol Frontera Avatar
    Carol Frontera

    Hey Adam! Hope you made it to your next stop after leaving Otter Creek. How about that hill leaving camp?! Joe, the kids and I are thinking about you and hope you are safe. Can’t wait to read your next blog post and follow you on your journey. If you’re ever back in Maryland you should look us up. We enjoyed your company and imagine the stuff you’ll be able to share after your trip will be amazing! Best to you!

    1. adampomata Avatar

      I’m actually really glad you didn’t make the hill out sound like a big deal – being a bit ignorant help psychologically. It took a while to crank to the top, but the view was amazing.

      Thanks for the invite. It would be great to sit around a fire again swaping stories or trying some of that canned venison – yum.

      I have a couple days of posts to make-up now. The days at actually flying by.

  2. Carol Frontera Avatar
    Carol Frontera

    Glad you are doing well and yes, ignorance is bliss when it comes to a hill like that one! It is an amazing view though! So happy we met you and hopefully we will see you again. I’ll be following your journey and the invite is always there to join us again around a campfire!

    Safe travels Adam!

  3. John Avatar

    Adam, I am the ranger who talked to you in the Cape Point campground this morning. It was nice meeting you. I sure hope your journey goes well. Enjoy the adventure.

    1. adampomata Avatar

      Hey John,

      Great meeting you to. It’s been great seeing the Outer Banks and staying in your camp ground.

  4. Mark Hauler Avatar
    Mark Hauler

    Hi Adam, We met you in Savannah, Georgia when you chatted with my daughter and me for a few minutes while we watched the sunset over the Savannah River. I actually tried to find you afterwards because I wanted to invite you to join us for dinner but sadly you had moved on. I hope your trip continues to provide you with some amazing adventures and you see the best of the people you come across.

    Godspeed and our very best wishes to you for the road ahead.

    1. adampomata Avatar

      Hi Mark,

      After talking to you and your daughter I went to the restaurant with the deck to watch the storm and ended up eating dinner with a group of people in town for a conference. Thanks for looking for me to invite me to dinner. After Savannah I had a wonderful home stay about 50 miles away and then made my way to the Treehouse Hostel near Brunswick, GA. A great place to reconnect with nature and sleep in a treehouse. Thanks for checking out my blog.


  5. Alan Bundy Avatar

    Hey Adam

    I’ve been wondering if “hurricane Arthur” is effecting you in any way. Hope all is well.


  6. Nick Avatar

    Hey! Send me your email so I can send you that slowmo file you shot 🙂 was great meeting you, good luck on your trip!

  7. Matt Giordano Avatar
    Matt Giordano

    Hey Adam,

    Just reading through some of your stops along the way I noticed you made it to the treehouse hostel in Brunswick, GA! Awesome, such a great place. It’s been a real pleasure to meet you I hope to see you around Austin again soon.

    Happy and safe travels,

    1. adampomata Avatar

      I loved the Treehouse Hostel. Good to hear you made it there as well. Pleasure meeting you as well Matt. Thanks.

  8. Troy Kooper Avatar

    Hey Adam,

    It was nice talking to you at the Lost Maples Campsite yesterday. We ended up having to pack up and hightail it out of there at 3:30 am to avoid the storm rolling in. It made for a nice adventure.

    Good luck out there and safe travels, it makes us happy to see people like yourself enjoying your freedom and seeking the things that feed the soul.

    You’re an inspiration, keep on truckin’ brother!


    Kooper Family, Austin Texas.

    1. adampomata Avatar

      Hi Troy,

      Thanks for checking out my blog. It was nice chatting with you and your wife. Also glad you made it out of the park okay. It has been a crazy amount of rain.

  9. Chad Avatar


    It was great to meet you up at the McDonald Observatory. Brian and I are back from our trip with the boy scouts – had a great day kayaking at Big Bend and a great swim at Balmorhea State Park. Now back home in Houston and the rains seem to have passed while we were away. Best of luck on the rest of your journey.


    1. adampomata Avatar

      Hi Chad. Great to hear from you. I’m Glad you and your troop had a good time in Big Bend after all the rain you went through. I enjoyed talking to you and Brian and hearing about your dad. Are there any articles about him online by chance?

      I have been in Van Horn for the past 5 days and will be taking off tomorrow morning for Fort Hancock. I’m going to stop by old Mesila as well. You made it sound like a great place.



  10. Chad Avatar

    Let me find out. Brian’s dad was the rocket guy. Will see if there is anything online. He will be glad you passed through his old stomping grounds.


  11. Ken Avatar

    Hi Adam: I met you at the Chamizal Monument and did some work on you. I was with Barbara Mader from High Mesa Healing Center. You now have my email address. Let me know how your trip is going. Should only get hotter from here.
    All the best,
    Ken West

  12. Hongkongwillie Avatar

    Life;s Journey can be as a nomad ,but we that take a wondering path are not lost. For we are discovering what is predestine for ones life. Adam i wish the best. Hongkongwillie

    1. adampomata Avatar

      Thank you so much! It was a real pleasure meeting you. Hopefully our paths will cross again!

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