Day 351 – Riding to Enchanted Rock

Today a few things got replaced – goodbye iPhone 5, hello iPhone 6! The pictures and videos on this thing are amazing. It’s hard to believe it also makes phone calls.

My left pedal also developed a really annoying click in Pedernales Falls State Park and since I had the crank set replaced I was guessing it was the pedal. In Fredericksburg I got a set of replacements from Josh, owner of Jack and Adam’s Bicycle Shop. Young guy, full of energy and running his own business. He even has a keg on standby to share with customers.

With a new phone and pedals I set off for Enchanted Rock and enjoyed the smooth mechanical action of my now almost entirely new drive train. I love smooth mechanical action, but I also take pride in wearing out bicycle components. It means I’ve ridden a lot!

It was only two and a half hours to the park and I got a really nice spot to set-up. There aren’t any electrical hook ups or big RVs allowed which is a nice change, but may make blogging harder.

I also passed the 4,000 mark for miles cycled for travel! Way to go Adam 🙂







2 responses to “Day 351 – Riding to Enchanted Rock”

  1. Mathew Avatar

    I love the photography/film in this clip. Enjoy the climb.

    1. adampomata Avatar

      Thx mate.