Day 348 – I’m kind sore, ya know?

I knew I would have to reset my expectation for this part of the ride because of the hills, but I didn’t think it would be this challenging. Then again I haven’t been on the road in over six months so I guess patiences with my body while it readjusts to the road would be a good idea. I’ve decided to stay another day at Pederales Falls. I could barely make it up the hill back to the ranges office to pay for another night – and that was with nothing on the bike.

I took a short walk down to the smaller fall at the park and didn’t have the energy to make it to the parks name sake. I bought a little min tripod for my GoPro to get more selfy footage. So here is one of me walking to the falls. I know you can’t wait to see it.

I ended up sleeping a lot of the day and kind of zoning out.

No great insights into me or the world this night – then again it was cloudy so no stars to ponder by.



