
  • Day 731 – I’ve moved to Los Angeles

    Day 731 – I’ve moved to Los Angeles

    It took longer than I first expected, but 731 days after starting on my cross country journey to Los Angeles I’ve finally moved here and been reunited with my bicycle. Thanks Dan and Michelle for letting me store it in your basement for the past 9 months. I’m overwhelmed. This is a huge, car-focused place…

  • Day 433 – I made it to the end!

    Day 433 – I made it to the end!

    I slept like a rock last night after the long ride and pasta dinner from my hosts Donnie and Susan and was up and on the road my 7:30. First order of business was buying a bottle of sunblock. I’ve been doing really well with applying it and avoid sun burns, which is pretty good for…

  • Day 431-432 – Jacumba, CA > San Diego, CA > San Clemente, CA

    Day 431-432 – Jacumba, CA > San Diego, CA > San Clemente, CA

    I am so close I can taste it! I had a good swim At Jacumba hot springs before getting on the road to San Diego. It was a real treat approaching from the mountains since I got a chance to go through a couple more small towns on the way to the beast that is…

  • Day 422 – Hey drivers!

    Day 422 – Hey drivers!

    Today I road from Globe, AZ to Apache Junction, AZ and again drivers are on my mind. Here is some insight into how and why I position my bicycle on the road. In general I try and stay out of the way of vehicles because they are faster than me and very capable of ending…

  • Day 417 – I make it to Arizona

    Day 417 – I make it to Arizona

    Oh boy I made it to Arizona and slept out on a picnic table last night. I like this video because it shows how I often feel in the morning when I wake up – tired and disoriented. I successfully used my flint and steel to start a fire – first time on the trip.…

  • Day 411 – Cycling Juarez

    Day 411 – Cycling Juarez

    Last night I stayed with, Lisa, my first Warmshowers host so far this second half of the trip. I got responses from all 3 people I contacted in Las Cruces, which sure does make the town feel welcoming. Lisa was waiting in her carport reading a book in the sun when I rode up to her house and…

  • Day 410 – Leaving Texas

    Day 410 – Leaving Texas

    I first rode into Texas on Day 146. Now, 264 days later I’ve crossed the state line into New Mexico a better man. A big thanks to all of the wonderful people that I met. I shall return.  

  • Day 409 – Fort Hancock, TX > El Paso, TX

    Day 409 – Fort Hancock, TX > El Paso, TX

    Wow. I’ve taken in a lot today and I’m struggling to get my thoughts together and into this blog, but here goes… The lay of the land in round numbers – El Paso fills 250 square miles at the western edge of Texas, across the Rio Grande River from the Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez. It…

  • Day 398 – Night Ride to Marfa

    Day 398 – Night Ride to Marfa

    After sleeping most of the day away yesterday to rebuilt my energy reserves I decided to switch up my riding schedule to beat the heat. I also visited the massive liquid sodium and sulfur battery that powers Presidio when the sole electrical line that comes from Marfa is interrupted by storms. It can put out 4 megawatts…

  • Day 396 – Soooo hot!

    Day 396 – Soooo hot!

    I got out of my tent this morning to the adobe ruin that my tent was within to the rising sun that marks the start of my day when spending the night outdoors. It really is the best alarm clock. I know the heat of the day is coming, but I want to spend some more time in…